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As I look back on the struggle of raising my son as a single mom, I sympathize with young adults trying to raise children. Times were rough and I made many sacrifices. My son was my motivation to succeed and today I am his motivation to succeed. I was a fun mom, but I was hard on my son when it came to school, girls and money. I became the cool and easy to talk to mom for his friends. I watched them make some decisions that caused undesirable events to happen. Many of their choices were due to not thinking before acting and not using common sense. I often asked them the question "Did you not know?".


Today I see the same bad decisions being made. So again I ask the question "Do they not know?". This inspired me to write this book.


It is so important that our children are equipped with knowledge and sound advice on how to live in our society and have a meaningful life. My desire is that this book would get into the hands of everyone starting new or starting over in this journey of life.



Amazon Reviews

This book should be given to every young person launching into young adulthood. It's a quick, easy read but is filled with simple reminders and practical advice that will help all young people remain grounded as they begin their individual journeys. The book consists of small sections targeting many topics that may be unknown, not thought of, or easily forgotten in the excitement of starting out. Remembering even a fraction of what's contained will benefit each and every reader. I highly recommend this book.


The book is straight to the point. No repeating. It deals with all of our daily issues. It's an easy read and straight to the point. Good job.



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